Download specifications for labelling
Colorectal surgeryLiver surgeryPancreatic surgeryBariatric surgeryGastric surgery (non bariatric)Oesophageal surgeryHip and knee surgeryShoulder surgeryGynecological surgery (hysterectomy)Caesarean sectionCystectomy surgeryThoracic surgerySpinal surgerySpinal surgery on childrenVascular surgeryParietal surgeryAdrenal surgeryAbdominal wall surgeryORL
The care team is composed of a ‘trinomial leader’ responsible for the installation, implementation and diffusion of enhanced recovery:
Do you want to apply the GRACE* protocol? OuiNon
If not, please attach your local protocol for validation by the Implementation Committee.
Local protocol
Will you participate in the GRACE-AUDIT* database? YesNo
Will you participate in the ERAS®AUDIT database? YesNo
Repeated team meetings: M0 then M2 then M4 then M8.
Discussion on implementation in terms of efficacy and constraints after having evaluated the activity of the centre and the degree of implementation for each element of the protocol (database).
After the first year, two meetings per year are required to follow-up the implementation of the protocol.
Ask for a member of the GRACE Administrative Committee to come to your site YesNo
At least one member of the care team is up to date with their subscription to the GRACE* Association YesNo
At least one member of the team assists at the annual GRACE Association symposium or at a national conference with a session on this topic or an annual ERAS® Society conference.
From the first year of installation of the protocol, the reference centre organises a training session at least once per year intended for local teams in order to disseminate the implementation of the enhanced recovery protocol.
Are you committed to organising a training session in the year? YesNo
The practical organisation (dates, number of participants, financial support, etc.) of these sessions is decided by the care centres
Do you agree to send us your annual activity report? YesNo
In return, certification will carry over into the following year and the GRACE Association will provide all the support required at the care centre for the implementation of the protocol or training of teams.
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